What Makes a Person So Funny

Have you ever had a friend or family member who had a very dark sense of humor/humour? Maybe you've even known a few people who have little to no sense of humor/humour, or find humor/humour in seemingly small things. In this article, we'll explore how different types of humor/humour say different things about your personality type.

humor with all the personality types, humour, types of humor

Who's to say what makes something funny? What accounts for the success of certain comedians, while others struggle for recognition? An even more interesting question is, "What does your sense of humor say about you?" Can you tell something about a person from the jokes they make, the comedy they laugh at, and their ear for a good, funny anecdote?

Myers Briggs And Senses of Humor With Each Personality Type

The short answer is yes, and according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, our views on the world, and even our comedic appreciation, is directly linked to how we perceive the things around us. Carl Jung laid the groundwork for the Myers-Briggs test, but much of the test was developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers. The theory is that all human beings experience the world according to four main psychological states: sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking. Furthermore, one of these four is dominant in a person's life most of the time.

Introverts And Humor/Humour

Let's start with the introverted side. ISTJs tend to be quiet, serious and practical with dependability being their strong suit. ISFJs are quiet, friendly and responsible with more attention to how others feel. INFJs are organized and decisive, concerned with a connection in ideas, relationships and the motivations of others. INTJs are creative thinkers and have high motivations for achieving goals and can organize projects well. ISTPs tend to be flexible, quiet and logical. ISFPs are quiet, sensitive and kind-hearted. INFPs are idealistic, very loyal to their core values and to a select few who are important to them. INTPs are theoretical and abstract, more interested in ideas than social interactions with other people.

Extroverts And Humor

Extroverted groups have a slightly different take. ESTPs are flexible and pragmatic, with a focus on problem-solving, not theories. ESFPs are outgoing, friendly and realistic in their interactions. ENFPs are enthusiastic and creative, with the ability to make connections between patterns and improvise quickly. ENTPs are quick thinking, outspoken about generating concepts, but bored by routine. ESTJs are matter-of-fact thinkers, organized, and focused on efficiency. ESFJs are warm, cooperative with others, and seek harmony with a team. ENFJs are empathetic, responsive, and attuned to the emotions of others. ENTJs are blunt, decisive, and able to see patterns of inefficiency, and so they tend to be leaders.

Types of Humor or Comedy Among The 16 Types Test

According to Personality Growth, the sense of humor types that people possess correspond to their Myers-Briggs personality evaluation.

ISTJs may be perceived as lacking a sense of humor because of their serious nature, but they tend to have a "dry" sense of humor with a deadpan delivery – a wit that many could blink and miss. ISFJs have a surprising sense of humor, sometimes uncharacteristic of their normal personality. They may even hide their more outrageous comedy sensibilities from everyone except their closest friends.

comedy, humour, humor

INFJs have a unique sense of humor, and not necessarily one that matches their warm disposition. In fact, they may have a rather dark or vulgar sense of humor and find humor in the strangest of places. INTJs tend to be sarcastic and snarky, so much so that their sense of humor could be misinterpreted as serious.

ISTPs are ironic in their comedy stylings and yet somewhat internal compared to others. They can be deadpan and sometimes use sarcasm that goes over people's heads. ISFPs have a more broad sense of humor and may even have a wider selection of comedy preferences. However, they only showcase their sense of humor around certain types of people who will appreciate the sentiment. They are often self-mocking and tend to share most funny thoughts with friends.

INFPs tend to enjoy a touch of the absurd and have a somewhat offbeat or odd sense of humor, some of which goes over people's heads, but which is much appreciated by friends. INTPs are very good at diverse comedy, with the ability to make almost anything funny. But they also tend to polarize others into loving the humor or not quite getting it at all.

Over on the extroverted side of the scale, ESTPs are broadly funny with the ability to be goofy or more subtle. They are quite versatile and are more interested in getting laughs from others rather than going for the cerebral. ESFPs have a more light-hearted wit and tend to avoid making fun of others or making mean-spirited jokes. They would rather be the butt of the joke than hurt anyone's feelings.

ENFPs are playful and colorful, and can very often offend others, even though no maliciousness is meant. They laugh at all subjects in hopes of staying positive. ENTPs are outgoing and so tend to have an outrageous sense of humor, and perhaps go for extra dark humor that rubs people the wrong way. The people who know them well appreciate their wit, but it's not for all tastes.

ESTJs are outgoing but adaptable to others, even though they do sometimes go for more aggressive and shocking humor. ESTJs are adaptable but still somewhat crude or quaint in their observations. ESFJs are even more adaptable and can blend in with various social groups. Their true wit may not even be known until they become quite close with someone. They tend to avoid dark humor since they value the interaction more.

ENFJs have a sense of humor crafted to fit their environment and tend to know how well others will perceive their sense of humor. They may tone their sense of humor down to fit in, even though they do appreciate darker and more sarcastic observations. Finally, ENTJs tend to be outrageous and like being edgy just to get reactions out of others. They don't care much about how they are perceived but are quick-witted, even more so than other personality types.

What Your Humor Types Say About You

Behind being "funny," there is also the desire to create more intimate relationships with others, as well as the desire to cope with life's challenges by laughing in the face of danger and stress. Humor can also be a defense mechanism to distract ourselves from something unpleasant, or an unhealthy means to boost our own self-esteem by antagonizing others. Sometimes put-down humor can be a bonding activity, in the case of multiple workers making fun of a despised boss, although this isn't the healthiest approach.

However, when insults are used to embarrass one's friends or even one's mate, it's seen as an act of aggression or perhaps even a way to aggrandize one's self. Put-down comedians may sometimes avoid accountability by insisting their passive-aggressive behavior is harmless when, in fact, it says a lot about how they feel about their partner and/or life.

In contrast, bonding humor's goal is to endear others to you. Talk show hosts on television may use amusing anecdotes, witty banter and down-to-earth humor that unites many different people in a funny moment. The reverse can also be true – people can bond by deriding a social outcast, or a person who doesn't fit "the group."

Self-deprecating humor is when a person attacks themselves. It gets easy laughs and seems to create bonding; but on the other hand, it can erode your self-respect and may generate anxiety and depression. Self-loathing behavior, which often involves self-deprecating humor, can even make one's audience uncomfortable because they sense it's not just a joke but a projection of insecurity.

Coping With Stress Through Humor

The sad fact is that sometimes very creative people inwardly face depression and anxiety, much to the surprise of those who are accustomed to seeing them laughing and making jokes. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, for example, is a beloved comedic actor who loves spreading happiness to others, but is quite open about his own struggles with depression and inward pain. While writing, comedy, and other forms of art can be very productive for self-expression, Johnson emphasizes that it is also important to reach out for help when needed.

Many who are depressed turn to counseling. It's quite common for even professional comedians to seek counseling to help cope. Internal pain may create great wit and brilliant comedic observations, but more is needed than just laughter. Those who have a sense of humor, particularly more morbid or socially antagonistic comedy, may be struggling with life and trying to find a better way to cope with it.


Humor As A Mask: Therapy Can Help

If you or someone you know is having a hard time and needs some extra help and support, there's nothing wrong with talking to a counselor about how you feel about life, happiness, and your personal goals. Studies have indicated that online therapy services like BetterHelp have yielded an average of 70% reduction in symptoms among clients with depression. In fact, 78% of BetterHelp users who had severe depression prior to treatment were no longer classified as having severe depression post-treatment.

What's more, BetterHelp's online therapy is incredibly convenient. Options for therapy sessions include phone calls, video chatting, live voice recording, and even texting. The platform is also fully personalized – you start by completing a questionnaire regarding what you're experiencing, what you'd like help with, the type of counseling you're looking for (individual, couple's, family, etc.), and so on. You are then matched with a licensed therapist and chat with them via messaging in-app to determine if you're a good fit for one another.

Continue reading to find reviews of some of our therapists from people who value humor and are seeking help with a variety of issues.

"Daniel is wonderful. I have tried in person therapy before, and have never been successful. Daniel really gets to know who he is talking to, and how to best help them with what they are going through. He has a sense of humor that I really appreciate because that is how I communicate. My review here doesn't do him justice. I am thankful to have him as my counselor."

"Catherine truly listens to my concerns and asks questions to make me think why I react in situations. She helps me feel validated and is instilling baby steps to help me become more stronger in who I am. After two sessions I already feel lighter and feel like I can finally overcome my obstacles with her help! She understand my weird humor and accepts my quirks!"


Source: https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/general/types-of-humor-and-what-they-say-about-your-personality/

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